Monthly Archives: August 2008

Saturday in the Park 5k!

Wow, what a beautiful day for a race (sarcasm, it poured a couple of hours before the start which provided a muddy course and humid conditions). Mrs. Progman was fired up and not intimidated in the least by the elements. … Continue reading

Posted in Mrs. Progman, The Kids | 8 Comments

Some US Open Pictures

I traveled light and didn’t take a digital camera, although I did have the trusty Blackberry with me, so I snagged the below pictures, starting with Ilie Nastase. He was moving quickly through the crowd when I pounced on him.With … Continue reading

Posted in Tennis | 4 Comments

Off to Flushing Meadows

Living close to NY City definitely has it’s advantages – Broadway, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rockefeller Center at Christmas time, Broadway (yeah, I mentioned it twice, I love Broadway) and this time of year, the US Open. I’m taking … Continue reading

Posted in Tennis | 7 Comments

I Loooove The Track

There it is, the local high school track. It’s about a two mile bike ride from my house, which serves conveniently as the perfect 10 minute warm up and cool down in the morning. I love the track, and since … Continue reading

Posted in Marathon Training | 8 Comments

The Anticipation is Killing Me

That’s the way I feel – like Ralphie on Christmas morning. Is today the day the book gets here? To anyone not in the know, I’m talking about Ted’s brainchild, the Dean Karnazes book 50 blogger challenge. The anticipation is … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Superfluous, Partially Running Related Dribble

I’ve been living with a hole in my heart for the last couple of weeks. My old Nike Dri Fit running hat morphed in grossness to the point where it was getting up on it’s own to run at 5:30am … Continue reading

Posted in Tennis | 8 Comments

Whose That Wearing My Garmin?

Paula Radcliffe? Joan Benoit Samuelson? No, ITS MRS. PROGMAN2000!!! In a rare moment of weakness, she made the mistake of saying out loud in front of me that she thought it would be cool to train for a 5k. Mind … Continue reading

Posted in Mrs. Progman | 10 Comments

A Photographic Journal of My Sunday Long Run

Being a programmer supporting a product which some clients deem mission critical, I find myself on a 5 week rotation where I am on call for 24 hour support. I typically HATE these weeks where I am shackled to my … Continue reading

Posted in Bodman Park, Long Runs | 9 Comments

Have Some Lemonade!

What’s this? A blog entry not related to running or tennis? My philanthropic wife and children hosted a lemonade stand/toy sale Saturday to benefit the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center. For anyone interested doing this type of thing, the Sunkist … Continue reading

Posted in The Kids | 2 Comments

Goodbye Old Friend

It looks like roadkill, but that’s my Nike Dri Fit running hat. It feels like it’s been around since Bill Bowerman founded Nike, but I think I’ve probably had it for about 3 years. It started it’s life with me … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments